Optimizing Nitric Oxide Levels

Optimizing Nitric Oxide Levels

Sunday: Rest & Recovery (Resync)

Optimizing Nitric Oxide Levels

Resync is a product that was created to help high level athletes recover from intense workouts and sports training. Performance coach and Fascial Stretch Therapist Barbara Depta works with the NFL team the Baltimore Ravens and other pro athletes.

I recently found out about this product from a newsletter that the Stretch to Win institute sent out to their students (who specialize in connective tissue health and structural balance).

Co-director of the STW Institute Chris Frederick has long been interested in nutrition and functional medicine. I have had many interesting conversations with him about the role nutrition plays in joint health, connective tissue maintenance, and muscle recovery.

He has been taking this product and noticed improved nitric oxide levels (via saliva testing) for his cardiovascular health.

Here is what he had to say regarding blood flow and connective tissue health:

“You can prevent injuries & improve performance in sports, fitness & life in general by ensuring your connective tissue or ‘fascia’ is in the best condition it can be.

In addition to achieving & maintaining functional flexibility & mobility, the condition of your fascia must be sustained with proper nutrition. While collagen & gelatin are key components, proper blood flow pulls waste out & pushes nutrition in.

Physical & mental stress, strenuous activity & athletics, scar tissue, trigger points, tightness, toxins & more all compromise optimal blood flow. Nitric oxide can radically improve blood flow & accelerate recovery from any intense activity.” – Chris Frederick

While there are a lot of products on the market to enhance blood flow and oxygenation (L-arginine), beet root powder and red spinach are two excellent whole food sources of nitric oxide to support exercise performance.

What I like about Resync is the blend of vasodilating and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Resync® Ingredients
Red Leaf Spinach
Aronia Berry
Red Beet
Hyaluronic Acid

Beet Powder Nitric Oxide Levels

Note that the tub does not contain mango/inulin (only the packets)

Here is what Barbara has to say about Resync:

“For years, athletes have been drinking the wrong beverages. Why? There’s no alternative that meets the high standards we believe are essential for athletes of all stripes. We already knew how hydration is necessary for our equilibrium. Our goal was to create something equally, if not even more important, to support your blood flow, create healthy inflammatory response due to exercise, to naturally sustain your energy, to deliver nutrients to your body so you can support your daily regeneration.

Resync supports delivery key biological messengers to allow performers to recover the right and effective way. The unique ingredients in this super-blend support a healthy inflammatory response due to exercise and thus overall recovery. Scientifically formulated to provide optimum levels of Nitric Oxide. Resync® delivers vital ingredients to support a full body recovery, starting on with a deep endothelial system.”

Resync® Benefits
Supports healthy inflammatory response due to exercise
Supports daily vitality
Enhances athletic performance
Supports vasodilation for healthy blood flow
Promotes oxygenation
Potent antioxidants

Sunlight & Nitric Oxide Levels

While taking whole food supplements is far superior to consuming isolated amino acids and nutrients I should note that one of the best ways to naturally optimize nitric oxide levels is daily exposure to sunlight. Dr. Mercola talks about the connection here:

“Researchers found that sunlight triggers your skin’s production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure, helps prevent atherosclerosis, and plays a role in modulating immune system function. Your skin contains large stores of nitrite and nitrate, but only the nitrite is biologically active. Sunlight appears to prompt conversion of nitrate to nitrite and nitric oxide (NO).

Nitric oxide is such an important compound that it was dubbed “Molecule of the Year” by Science magazine in 1992, followed by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for its discovery as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Your blood vessels require the amino acid L-arginine for the synthesis of nitric oxide, since L-arginine is its precursor in your body.

If your blood is flowing freely, then nearly every physiological process will function better. If your blood is sluggish, then important cells and nutrients can’t reach the areas that need them. It’s like getting the tow truck to the scene of the accident… no tow truck means no repairs.

Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your brain and other organs. It nourishes and oxygenizes your immune system and muscles, and helps keep your heart beating. It also carries away wastes and carbon dioxide. Healthy blood flow is essential for energy production and optimal performance throughout your entire body, including your brain and muscles.” – Dr Mercola

Whether or not you decide on this particular product I highly recommend you consider adding a whole foods supplement to support healthy nitric oxide levels and to reduce inflammation.

I have noticed improved recovery from intense exercise and heightened energy/focus from taking Resync for a short period of time – I highly recommend this product to athletes and those seeking to improve their cardiovascular health.

– Kevin J. Kula, “The Flexibility Coach” 







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